Sunday, June 26, 2011

Darcy & Elizabeth: The Ruling Passion is finished!

Yea! I just finished writing The Ruling Passion. Now I will be editing and checking continuity. My editor will be on it like a duck on a June bug as soon as I turn it over to her. That, of course, is the rocky part--wresting it from my grip. If anyone can, Terry can!

I projected 80 chapters, but right now it stands at 86. I will be putting the new cover up on the main page of my website ASAP so everyone can have a look at it.

I can't wait for the grand unveiling!



Angela said...

OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS! I've been checking literally everyday since your last post in the hopes of hearing the latest news and you have made my week! Heck you made my month! Can't wait to see the new cover and better yet, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE FINISHED PRODUCT! Congrats on finishing yet another masterpiece (I'm absolutely certain!)

Much <3

Melinda (cookingalamel) said...

I absolutely can't wait for the next installment! Thank you for the regular updates - you have no idea how much it helps make the wait seem a little bit faster! :)

Starr said...

I almost passed out when I read this! Thank you for another book, I love love your version of the Darcy's. I can not wait to get this book block out the world and and become a fly on the Darcy's wall for a few days.

Whimsical Prompt and Other Musings. said...

yay!!!!!!!! oh my goodness how long is it going to take to get the finished product!!!!!! I love the world you created! Thanks so much for giving us the update! Woo hoo!!!!

Abdeese said...

I have checked your blog everyday! I am so excited. I am re-reading your previous books just to be prepared for the new one. Do you have a round-about date of when it will hit the press?

DarcyDevotee said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I read most P&P fan fiction, but I confess, yours is by far my favorite! I know it's a bit racy, but you have such a wonderful ability to bring these characters to life. I eagerly anticipate diving into "The Ruling Passion". I do so hope Lady Catherine finally gets her full comeuppance. I will be quite vexed if Cyril Smead gets away with his shenanigans, and I'd like to see Wickham suffer even more than he already has. I needn't state that I am atwitter with the thought of spending more time with Mr. Darcy! Thank you again! (and please hurry the release date!)

DarcyDevotee said...

p.s. If I discover anything untoward happened between Darcy and Celeste Roux I think I will die! (I know I sound a bit like Lydia, but I truly don't know how I shall cope if the story advances in that direction!)

charlene said...

Just left a comment on Goodreads. Thank you Linda I have been dying for the sequel. You jut made my day. Please have it made for kindle.
Again THANKS!!!! :) :)

Sherry S. said...
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Sherry S. said...

Congratulations on finishing The Ruling Passion!
I know that it has been a long road to get it completed but I am confidant that it is well worth the journey.

Anxiously awaiting it's release...

PS. Any chance any or all of your books will be released on NOOK or as iTUNES audiobooks???

Jennifer said...

I am so VERY excited for this book! I actually had the sequels for a few years before I read them, I was a little wary of a sequel to one of my favorites. I was wrong to wait so long! You managed to keep the P and P world alive and you added dimensions to the story that are both realistic and completely enthralling! I read them both in a couple of sleep deprived days and now I can't wait for the next one to come out! Keep up the AMAZING work and thank you for your creativity!

Lola said...

Yayyyyy!!! I can't wait! I've been reading the 1st book for the second time on my Kindle, a few pages at a times.

kerry said...

I love this continuing story! Linda is so talented! Please hire Kate Redding to narrate these 3 stories for She did such a great job with P & P.

sonaS said...

Heheheheheeeee!!! I CANNOT wait!!! I love your sequel. I've read alot of others already and yours are by far my Fav. It is exactly how I see Darcy and lizzy in their marriage. Thank you so much for another book! Hurry with the editing, pls.

Unknown said...

OMG!! I just got a Nook (Barnes and Nobles' e-reader tablet) and I happened to be just looking up other sequels for P&P. I happened upon your books and I said to myself "Oh, that she would write another sequel so we can know how the twins are. Oh well. I should get the 2 though for my e-book" (even though I own the books!) HOW FRIGGIN' EXCITING to learn on your page that there is a 3rd INSTALLMENT ON THE WAY!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Okay, I will be checking back DAILY to find out when this book hits! Please make sure its available on Nook!

erlynn said...
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erlynn said...

This is awesome! So excited, I will start re-reading! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I have been waiting for this to come out for years! I have checked at Barnes and Nobles several times in the past few years thinking it might have been released. Do you how long it takes to edit and publish? I know you might not be able to predict the timeline, but it would give me something to look forward too!

I can't wait to see where you take the Darcy's next!


Jblake27 said...

When can we expect to actually read the book. I have been waiting for a long time it seems. Usually this turns me off of authors but I have patiently stuck by your side. Please talk to us more! This waiting game is driving me crazy.

Love your work.

Melissa said...

Just finished Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberly yesterday and was Amazed! It literally took me a week to finish it because it was that good I couldn't stop! I am so excited to hear you have a third on it's way. Fingers crossed for a speedy publishing.

Gina baby said...

I cannot say much more than everyone else has already said!!!! So excited to jump into the Darcy's world again! :) EXCITED is not a big enough word to describe me! xo